Monday, October 1, 2012

September is a Wrap

Hello Friends, I have missed you.  I haven't posted regularly over the past couple of months due to a change at my work.  The ramping up for my new position has been a killer!  I'm gradually adjusting to the new workload, and hope to better manage my time in the coming weeks.  Looks like I need a post on work-life balance! 

Here's my September Wrap-Up:

1.  We bought a house. 
What?  Yes!  We bought a house.  Many of you know that we travel to PA on many a weekend, and now we have a rural retreat to enjoy while there.  We love visiters, so please plan to come by for a visit.

2.  I started cooking again. 
Mind you, for me boiling a chicken is a big deal.  I am no gourmet!  But, the beauty of boiling a chicken is that you get a delicious, nutritious broth as a result.  So, I've been making soup like crazy and loading up the pot with all kinds of colorful veggies. 

3.  A fruitless mission.  
We went on the Billy Goat Trail looking for paw paws last week and found none.  We were too late! The paw paw tree flourishes along the Potomac River and in the Mid-Atlantic region, with the fruit ripening in Sept/Oct.  Next year, foraging for paw paws will have to begin earlier in September.  Until then click here to learn more:

Until Next Time, Happy Trails,

 --2 Peas

Monday, September 17, 2012

GMOs -- They're Not Just for Breakfast Anymore

GMOs -- They're Not Just for Breakfast Anymore

Don't know what GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are?   Maybe you think all this fuss about them isn't relevant to you.  Or maybe you just haven't had the time or resources to learn about them. 

Well, here is your chance -- Genetic Roulette!

Genetic Roulette is a 1 hour, 24 minute movie by Jeffrey Smith in which he explains exactly what GMOs are, how they're currently used and the human side affects that Monsanto doesn't want you to know about.

He presents a concise, hard-hitting talk to more than 800 healthcare practitioners at Andrew Weil’s Arizona Center for Integrated Medicine conference in 2011.

So, carve out some time in your busy schedule before it's too late. Genetic Roulette is free on-line from Sept 15 - 22 via the link below.   After that, you'll have to buy the DVD.

Happy Health!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

American Meat Film

Yesterday's post was to be my last for August, but I saw this trailer and simply HAD to share it with you.  You all are familiar with Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm, right?   Well, he is a featured farmer in this film and from watching the trailer I can see that once again, he does not disappoint. 

He delivers the truth about our food supply and conventional farming, along with the only sustainable solution-- small-scale, family-owned farms.

Click on the link below and then view the Trailer.

Have a great Labor Day weekend, everyone!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August Highlights

As the summer winds down, and August along with it, I'd like to share a few favorites...
1)  Exercising many days this month.  How is your plan going?  After my last post, I exercised 10 days in a row and have continued a regular habit of exercising.
2)  I started a new position on my project and have dedicated more of my time to work.  Hm.  This is not exciting news.
3) Made 2 trips to the beach.  One to Bethany Beach with a good friend and her family.  The other one to Rehoboth with my dear husband, Greg.
4) I've had some wonderful, inspiring visits with friends in the last week as I have taken a few days off.
5) A surprise... you'll hear about it next month!

Enjoy a few pics from Rehoboth Beach.



Tuesday, August 7, 2012

leaping over hurdles

Two days ago I posted about Oscar Pistorius after being inspired by watching his race.  What I did not share was my small accomplishment of exercising three days in a row. It does not seem like much, but this is a victory for me.  For whatever reason, this hurdle has been my foe for some time, and recently I got mad, very mad, and determined that I would commit myself to daily fighting to beat this foe.

In sharing this I hope to begin a transparent conversation and to be accountable.  I also invite you to share your obstacles and your journey in triumphing over them. 

What are your obstacles at the moment?  What are you doing to overcome them?  Leave a comment and let's encourage each other on in the good fight.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  Philipians 4:13

Sunday, August 5, 2012

No Words Needed

Oscar Pistorius.  If this man does not inspire, then nothing will.
We all have obstacles in our lives. be they physical, emotional, financial, social, or even imaginary.  But no one will disagree that Oscar Pistorius is an example for everyone one of us, no matter what our obstacle. 

As a double amputee wearing prostheses, if he can qualify and compete in the Olympics, you can overcome whatever road blocks you are facing today.  So get up, stop making excuses and start fighting them now.

I'm in the battle along side you and will keep you posted with my progress.  I hope to hear from you as well; I know you will inspire me.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

raining hard, no umbrella

Is what I instant-messaged my husband today at work.  I had been looking out the window, anticipating walking to the shuttle in an hour, and now it was raining.  Pedestrians scurried across streets and ducked under shop overhangs for refuge.  Then he caught my eye.  An older man in worn clothing sat on the sidewalk, leaning up against a building.  He was sleeping, I think, head tilted.  His legs stuck out from under the protection of the overhang, getting wet.  And, he had no shoes on his feet.  I watched curiously to see if the rain would wake him, or if someone would hand him an umbrella, a jacket.  But nothing.

My thoughts drifted to Luke 3:11 "Whoever has two coats, let him give to him who has not". 

The rain came down harder, as I turned back to my desk.  I could give him my jacket, I thought.  The light-weight suit coat keeps me warm in the summer, when the office is cold.  There is a winter jacket hanging in my closet at home.  I could use that one, instead.

Who gives the clothing off their back to a stranger on the street!  No one I know does that. After all, I argue, I need this one for the summer. And, I work really hard for my money, and responsibly wait for the best sales to get the lowest price for my things.  Exercising good stewardship is very important to me.  

And therein lies the irony.  So what if I use my money wisely to honor God ?  It's already His.  There must also be a blessing in giving sacrificially, or the Bible would not instruct us to do it.  Acts 20:35 reads, "Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive."  

Going back to my desk, I try to focus on the spreadsheet I want to finish before leaving work.  But, just one more look out the window.  I search the street.  He is gone.  My opportunity has passed.  Or has it? 

Friday, July 20, 2012

 Traditional Hymns Discovered -- Revive Our Hearts 

If you love traditional hymns as I do, or even if you're not familiar with them, you will really enjoy this Revive Our Hearts 2-day program in which  Nancy Leigh DeMoss interviews Keith and Kristyn Getty.  This married couple recording team will be leading worship at the True Woman Conference in September.  To listen to the interview and learn more about Keith and Kristyn's heart for worship, link to the url below and enjoy.  You'll even get to hear them sing several of their hymns.

Revive Our Hearts with Keith and Kryistyn Getty

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hi Friends,
It has been quite a while since I last wrote and so much has happened since then.  I can't wait to tell you more, but for now I have a special announcement.  

The blog is giving away a free digital thermometer and anyone who wants may enter to win.  Free!  Yes, that's right!  Please check it out and while you're there, check out the amazing recipes and helpful tips on the website.  

That's all for now!


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Welcome to Greg and Lisa's Blog

Two Peas in-a-Pod

           Our greatest joy is living for God, loving others and serving each other by putting the other before self.