Here's my September Wrap-Up:
1. We bought a house.
What? Yes! We bought a house. Many of you know that we travel to PA on many a weekend, and now we have a rural retreat to enjoy while there. We love visiters, so please plan to come by for a visit.
2. I started cooking again.
Mind you, for me boiling a chicken is a big deal. I am no gourmet! But, the beauty of boiling a chicken is that you get a delicious, nutritious broth as a result. So, I've been making soup like crazy and loading up the pot with all kinds of colorful veggies.
3. A fruitless mission.
We went on the Billy Goat Trail looking for paw paws last week and found none. We were too late! The paw paw tree flourishes along the Potomac River and in the Mid-Atlantic region, with the fruit ripening in Sept/Oct. Next year, foraging for paw paws will have to begin earlier in September. Until then click here to learn more:
Until Next Time, Happy Trails,
--2 Peas